Monday 3 June 2013

Seventy cups of tea daily ... with bhajiya / pakoda of course.

Seventy cups of tea daily ... with bhajiya / pakoda of course.

(Diabetes resulting from such bad habits in control since several years - 
but no need to control now  an occasional plate of bhajiya)

Sweets are the last and final root cause of diabetes, stress being the first and foremost one.  Swami Hariprasad ji of Hari Dham (Swaminarayan sect) has made a sharp observation about diabetic patients: “They have no time for exercise, no time for chewing  food leisurely and peacefully. This is because their nervous system has become weak. … But the moment there is a chance to make money, these patients with weak nerves stand up and run with full vigour. Once again they become lazy and sluggish when it comes to taking care of their health”

       Shri Shambhubhai Shankardas Patel is the principal character for this real-life health story. His nature matched with his name ( Shambhu= Lord Shiva ) perfectly. So innocent.          In 1995, he first time faced diabetes and blood pressure problems in his life. The dose went higher with passage of time. One day, tablets could do nothing and he was put on injections. BP medicines were being taken twice a day.
Those who have toiled hard in Ahmedabad have been richly rewarded - as though they had taken  a job abroad. Shambhubhai is a typical person of this category. He has toiled for years, carrying 80 kg load on a bicycle over 50 km. distance, every day. Eighty kg load comprised of tobacco and supari (betel nuts). 
With this type of daily routine, dinner time can be only after 10 pm. If the journey takes him too far some day, lunch will be sacrificed. And some snacks will fill the gap.
Bhajiya is perhaps the second most consumed  item in Ahmedabad, next only to drinking water. Any Ahmedabadi worth his name will remember bhajiya as soon as  he feels hungry. More the toil, more acute the hunger. Shambhubhai would coolly finish off one kg bhajiya, single-handedly. Such opportunity came to him two-three times in a week.

Fried food is not at all kind & easy for digestive system &  only Gujaratis are blissfully ignorant about this harsh reality. Snacks fried on high flame &  high temperatures develop an upper  crust which our liver can neither crack nor break. Digesting Meat can be tough but fried food digestion is  tougher. As if this is not enough, it is difficult to shunt out undigested fried food from our  body. That is why see bulky, spare-tyre like tummies of bhajiya-hunters..

Gujarat is the largest market worldwide for all varieties of  edible oils which claim to keep our cholesterol in control , Markets are flooded with diet khakhara. Oil-free snacks are made and sold in large measure here. One yoga class can be spotted at every 500 mtr distance. The largest vegetarian community on the   planet is also in Gujarat. They consume innocent foods and drinks such as  butter milk, lemon sharbat / coolers, leafy vegetables and simple wheat flour.  
But they have ruined their health with uncontrolled use of edible oil and  cosmetically processed, double polished rice for which they pay high price also. Added to this damage is their habit of not exercising . As a result, 10% Gujaratis  suffer from diabetes, a fore-runner of other major ailments .

Shambhubhai too could not escape from the clutches of ‘oily’ mafia. Life was going on - like a rough ride - supported by  tablets and injections which were driving his  sick engine. From 1995 to 1998, this went on. One of his relatives, Jivrambhai one day told him about a clinic in Ranip (a suburb of Ahmedabad) where patients are cure through naturopathy treatment, with the help of dietary changes, light exercise and herbal ingredients. And yes, no medicines.
So, in February 1998, Shambhubhai and Jivrambhai both arrived at Nihar…Well before he stepped out of his home Shambhubhai had determined  that, come what may, I will follow all their instructions and will definitely bring my disease under control.
Shambhubhai did not know the meaning or spelling of exercise before coming to us. Today, after almost 15 years, not a single day passes without exercise.
Our hardworking hero Shambhubhai went for diabetes checkup first time in 1995. His blood sugar level two hrs after meals (PPBS) stood at 429, which normally should be in the range of 160-180.
This was real rowdy diabetes and doctor prescribed 20 units of insulin injection two times in a day. Also one tablet to protect the heart and one tablet to keep the blood thin, both two times a day. So, his prescription was: total four tablets,two  insulin injections and total restrictions on sweets.
Much before  he came to me in February 1998,  he had mentally prepared himself for diet control & exercise etc. For next two moths, we made some changes in diet, in habits and exercise – nothing more. And Shambhubhai followed it with full devotion – no questions, no arguments. And result? He was successful!
When he started with us, his weight was 103 kgs. At the end of two months, he had reduced 14 kgs.  No weakness. I had insisted that he should continue going to his shop daily. After 14 kg weight loss, I looked at this strongly built Patel and felt that this much reduction in weight is ok for the present. For two moths, no cereal grains were permitted. Only boiled moong, fresh lemons in water 2-3 times a day. Some naturopathy treatment in morning and evening and some exercise. That is all.
With dietary changes and exercise, sugar levels started falling. Even with 20 minutes of daily exercise for joints, peripheral level sugar starts burning. Twice a day injections of insulin – total 40 units were taken. Insulin was first one to pack up and go.
Insulin had to find a new address now because it was  no more required by Shambhubhai. Diabetes is a VIP disease. It is very busy. It has no time. But people on their own  invite diabetes and embrace it with open arms. So ok, go to  someone else. There is no shortage of new addresses for insulin . If not Shambhubhai, some ‘other’bhai !
From 4 tablets for BP problems, doctor himself cancelled three and continued with only one tablet for Shambhubhai. Insulin injections for diabetes had already been stopped totally. He was now taking only half a tablet for diabetes at lunch time. After two  months, Shambhubhai returned to the original normal diet.
But by now, his blood had been , so to say, modified. Now his blood was full of strong bacterias for doing daily exercise. Every morning, he will go to a garden nearby with his exercise mat and for one hour, he did ( and still continues to do )  various exercises as per our prescription.
You may ask: how did such a hard working man got VIP diseases. There are two reasons. One, daily intake of 70 cups of tea. After cycling for long years, Shambhubhai had now his own shop where customers came to buy betel nuts and tobacco, Shambhubhai will sip half cup of tea himself and half will go to the customer. Customers will come and go but Shambhubhai remained unbeaten not out, with a cup of tea held by his fingers forever. If seventy cups of tea is poured daily in to  the body , its tannic acid will harden the internal walls of our intestines.
Moreover, toxins in tea damage our sensitive nerves. Greatest negative  effect is on digestion which gets totally  disrupted. In addition, every alternate day,  he would smoothly finish off a parcel of one kg bhajiya. Pancreas was overloaded and bombarded excessive and un-natural junk food. And thus Shambhubhai got his diabetes. Heart disease and diabetes go hand in hand. They are both are VIP & also very close  friends.
Even today, he takes only two tablets in a day:  one for diabetes and one for BP. And yet his sugar level two hrs after meals (PPBS) is maintained at around 160 only. Fasting sugar level is also normal. After almost 14 years of our treatment, Shambhubhai  follows our exercises very devotedly and with great joy.
There is wedding time, festival time and also lazy time when exercises are given a short holiday. Ever since 1998, Shambhubhai has fully relished the royal fruit - mango every summer.  Every week, he tastes bhajiya also. But don’t worry, he takes just 100 gm each time. Now, it is no longer in kilos.
Shambhubhai is 1955 born. At the age of 43, when he came to us he weighed 103 kgs. Now at 57, he weighs 85 kg. He is blessed with a simple life and straight forward  nature. No crookedness. Shambhubhai is a shining star  & a living example for all those are struggling with diabetes.

Shambhubhai S Patel
10, Janakinandan Society,
Near Bhimjipura Char Rasta, Nava Wadaj
Phone: 079 (Offi) 276- 41570 , (Res) 276- 40285

Friday 31 May 2013

Nature cure can help when accidents cause injuries and modern medicines give side effects

Homeopathy treatment can also produce side effects and
Nature cure can help when accidents cause injuries

(To a senior citizen, even a small injury after the age of 60 hurts. 
So what happens when a road accident causes three fractures?
Simple answer:
 Patient is cured by naturopathy treatment, 
No medicines, lesser pain and sound sleep)

We all have received a body which is  a magnificent & divine creation. Entire cosmos resides in our body. When the body system is imbalanced, medicines are taken but sensitive bodies do not accept medicines. Many patients suffer from side effects of modern day medicines
Some people have such a sensitive body system that they are not be able to take even homeopathic medicines – which are generally tolerated well by most people. What to do when such people suffer severe injuries or have serious illness?. Only remedy is to turn towards Mother Nature.
If one knows how to live after the age of 60, that could become a golden period of life . Babubhai and Kanta bahen are fully enjoying this golden period. Babubhai has melodious voice. Kanta bahen will play some musical instrument. What a harmony! But this rhythm was disrupted for a short while and Mother Nature has tuned their life back into a melodious harmony.

It is 5.00 pm of 19th April, 2000. Smt. Kantabahen , about whom today’s success story is written, is sitting on the pillion seat and her husband Shri Babubhai Patel is driving the scooter. Presently aged 75, Shri Babubhai shivers for a while whenever he recalls what happened so many years ago. All accidents leave people shaken to the core, isn’t it?
A jeep coming from behind hit the scooter and Kantabahen fell down on the road. Her life’s rhythm was disrupted for a while but heir life returned again to harmony after some time.

In 2000, as even today, all patients with broken bones will first remember Dr Vijay Upadhyay. He has impeccable reputation of a top class surgeon.  Dr Upadhyay was little taken aback when Kantabahen came to him with injuries.    X-ray films showed that there were total three fractures - two in her vertebra (spinal column) and one in thigh bone (femur)
There was a reason why Dr Upadhyay was taken aback. He knew that Kantabahen is very sensitive to allopathic medicines and they cause reactions in her body. This fact he knew well from past experience.
Doctor  advised her to take homeopathic medicines. She took them for four days but her body reacted to them also. It was just as unbelievable as somebody getting stabbed by a few flowers! Sometime, things happen which can not be explained.
Even after taking pain killers, patients with broken bones will experience lot of pain; while here there were no pain killers worth mentioning. There was no question of expecting the patient to get some sleep in this situation. One could  hear an occasional painful cry due to Kantabahen's unbearable suffering. Her daughter-in-law Bhakti bahen could not stand this any longer. She was not a mother-in-law for her, but rather her own mother. Her prayers were responded by a simple thought: 'why not talk to Dipika bahen in Ahmedabad.May be she can show some way out.'
And the way out was sure there. Dipaka went to Gandhinagar. (Currently it is not possible for us to visit anyone anywhere. Appointments for coming to us at Nihar may often need a week’s time). She checked Kanta bahen and found that all roads connected with medicines were closed for us. Exercising was out of question at this stage. Then what? Single action plan was  to make  practical changes in her diet.
Kanta bahen’s prescription was like this: she had to chew and eat mosambi (sweet lime) three times in a day and take khakhara (crispy crackers made from phulka roti) and drumsticks as vegetable as meals. Within 15 days after starting this diet, level of pain reduced. Sleeplessness was cured within three days after new diet plan was started
Treatment included covering  the injured portion of skin with  damp-cloth (dampened with  hot water and cold water - one after another) . If this cloth is to be kept around waist , it should be covered with woollen muffler or shawl. If it is to be applied on thigh bone, first apply the dampened  cloth, cover it with a woollen piece as above and use a soft string or safety pin to keep it in the  fixed place.. With this treatment and diet plan, pain subsided well in fifteen days. She started sleeping very well. When we are asleep , entire cosmos within us is hard at work, repairing the body system in a natural way. When stomach is given good rest, the body detoxifies itself and removes all wastes naturally, whether  we are asleep or awake.
After observing satisfactory progress in first fifteen days, the lunch menu was changed to include thuli (broken wheat khichadi). Its sweet or savoury versions were prepared as desired by the patient. Thuli with vegetables like dudhi, galaka and turiya (bottle, sponge, & ridged gourds) , some salt, turmeric powder, was also prepared, cooked in water equal to three times of the volume . Its  Sweet version can be cooked like lapasi. But always make thuli of soft consistency.
After taking this treatment for a month & a half, it was time for fresh x-ray & other examination.
What a miracle ! The fracture in vertebra and thigh bone had been repaired. The bones were joined. But the body had become stiff as a rod. Kanta bahen had made hardly any movements in so many weeks and, therefore,  the joints had stiffened. Doctor himself came to Kanta bahen’s home for ten days for giving guidance about various exercise. His assistant came for next one week or so.
After fifteen days, that is after two months from the day of accident, Kanta bahen took her first step with the support of crutches. For one month she used this support. She thereafter did not use the crutches any longer. She started all her natural movements smoothly. After more than a decade, even today there is no sign of any defect or handicap.
During our talks, we came to know that in 1991, Shri Babubhai was driving the scooter and Kanta bahen was riding behind him and he passed by a hand-cart loaded with materials from such a close distance that something from the cart badly  hit her knee. This fracture gave her a plaster and three-months long, full bed rest.
After three months, she started some movement and was sitting in her bed only. After six months, she started taking small steps with a walker. After two decades also, in winter season, her old, injured kneed experiences pain once in a while.
But, the naturopathy treatment taken in 2000  has been so effective that any time thereafter, Kanta bahen has never felt any pain in the injured bones.
           Salutations  to Mother Nature ! Salutations to panch maha bhoot, the five eternal, basic elements !

Kantabahen Babubhai Patel
“Vaikunth”, Plot No. 325
Sector-1 Gandhinagar-382007
Phone: (079)-232-27154

Wednesday 29 May 2013

Naturopathy cures serious accident injuries – fully and completely

Naturopathy cures serious accident injuries – fully and completely

(Faith & disciplined aftercare converts impossible into possible
after a fall from 12 feet height)


   Two renowned orthopedic surgeons of Gandhinagar & Mehsana examined Dineshbhai and opined:” It is very difficult to recover 100% from injuries like yours. There is every chance of 10 to 20% disability and handicap”.
    But two powerful sources of strength eliminated these defects from Dineshbhai’s life; one Mother Nature & another, his wife Saroj bahen. After accident and injuries, a patient is mainly under the care of his dear ones.
      We can only guide and advise.  But with faith, devotion and affection, even impossible becomes possible.

26th January, 1995. Exactly six years before Gujarat earthquake, Saroj bahen’s life was shaken as though by an earthquake. Her husband Dineshbhai had gone to work at his construction site. He is a civil engineer and has done really well in his field.  It was 11 am and he was at the first floor of a building under construction in Gandhinagar. From one open balcony, he jumped to another balcony nearby by but he judged little wrongly.
 And he fell on the ground 12 feet below. He landed in a bad shape because one has hardly any control over his falling body. It was such an awkward fall that his knees bent in reverse direction. We can not bend our legs even a little bit in reverse direction but  his accident bent them.
Labourers working at the site helped in taking him to a hospital.  Dineshbhai’s knees had bent in reverse direction, therefore the knee joints were damaged. The treatment started for correcting  the damaged joint. For seven continuous days, 10 kg weight was tied to his legs by way of traction for correcting the damage. Traction means giving a ‘pull’. He was receiving this treatment from Dr Upadhyay in Gandhinagar.
Generally,, it is seen that one specialist doctor does not visit a patient who is being treated by another similar specialist. But one friend of Dineshbhai requested renowned orthopedic surgeon  Dr Lalbhai of Mehsana , so he visited the patient at Dr Upapdhyay’s hospital. Both doctors were of the opinion that such surgeries always leave behind some 20-25% defects or handicap and one must be ready to live rest of the life with these defects.
Operation was a must and it lasted for four hours. After that, he stayed in the hospital for 10 days. At the time of discharge from hospital, doctor advised six months of bed rest at home. After that, for about one year, he will need a walking stick for support.
Once the operation was over and once the effectiveness of pain killers started reducing, the pain came back. Doctor had prescribed  a low dose of pain killers. One injection was being given every night so that he can sleep. But there was no sleep. Even after full 24 hours, if the patient  does not get an hour of sleep and is under constant pain, can you imagine his  suffering?
This nature cure health story starts from here. Dineshbhai asked my advice on telephone about getting some sleep. He is a part of  my very close friend circle. I immediately reached Gandhinagar. It was fifteenth day after operation. The success of the treatment now was largely dependent upon the support it would receive from his kitchen. I explained the treatment to Saroj bahen. Necessary instructions about juice, soup and salad were put on a paper. But sleep was still an unbeaten problem.
The treatment began with applying wet mud-pack on the stomach (belly). Prescribed diet was such that he can digest even while lying down whole day. We do physical activity and yet have digestion problems on daily basis. Compared to that, there was hardly and body movement in his case. Therefore, in cases like this it is necessary to take help of dietetics – the science of nutrition.
What a miracle! On very first day he could sleep for four hours, without tablets and on empty stomach. For last 360 hours,  billions of his body cells were waiting  for him to  sleep and rest. They all got refreshed now.
He slept well on empty stomach. So what was to be given to fill up the empty stomach?


1.      A glass of lukewarm water after brushing the teeth in the morning
2.      Juice of black dates, black currants and figs twice a day
3.      Mosambi (sweet lime)  juice twice a day
4.   Green salad 100 gm. including 20 gm. of tender coconut once a day, to be chewed fully & patiently.
5.      A cup of tea,  maximum once in a day


1.      applying wet mud-pack on the stomach (belly), twice a day.
2.      applying wet mud-pack on the sole of his feet
3.      warming the sole of the feet with hot water bag

That is all. Nothing more. Every thing is included in this list. But now Saroj bahen had to take up an important responsibility. This list is easy to read but difficult to implement, because it is time consuming.
She had to attend to her daily household duties, spend time with the visitors, take care of the children and in addition -give this home treatment. But she did it with great devotion and shortly was blessed with magical results.
Dineshbhai felt seventy percent peace and relief in just seven days after these dietary changes and treatment. Light diet made him energetic and his laziness was gone, even while lying in the bed.This was also an operation, but of different type – on the operation table of Mother Nature.
At the end of the month,  Dineshbhai walked with the support of crutches. Every one was pleasantly surprised to see him walk in such a short period. This pleasant  surprise was soon repeated . After next fifteen days, he started to walk using  just a single stick in support. He moved around this way for next three months.
He went to Dr Upadhyay for a follow up visit after three months. Doctor could not believe that Dineshbhai is the same person who was supposed to be lying in bed for six months. He was very happy and also surprised with such quick results. He also expressed his joy.
In winter, for next three years, Dineshbhai would feel numbness in his feet , or feel stiffness in them. Doing heavy work was difficult from him.
In 2012, now Dineshbhai does not even remember which of his leg was injured, His body has well accepted 6 L-shaped screws and he can walk comfortably. Most importantly, there is no defect or handicap in his feet. God grants us boons but often makes us work for it. So, do it that way and it is all yours.

Dineshbhai Santoki
355, B/2 Sector 7A
Gandhinagar – 382007
Ph: 98243-10212
      Dr Upadhyay was a close  witness of  Dineshbhai getting cured by naturopathy. Whenever a patient with similar severe injuries came to him, he would mention Dineshbhai as an inspiring example.

      He would often send patients to Dineshbhai’s residence, saying : ‘ Go there & see for yourself ! You too can benefit  like this - with courage and good diet plan & recover quickly in a natural way”

Monday 27 May 2013

Hail and hearty, even after five years, in spite of serious heart condition and without operation!

Shri Shiv Shankar Joshi.
Hail and hearty, even after five years,
in spite of serious heart condition and without operation!

(With almost 99.99% blockage and just 10% heart efficiency,
this patient reduced 22kg weight and is alive and kicking after five years)

Gandhinagar climate was cool as usual in February 2007. But, at noon time, heat would build up. In the development Commissioner’s office in Old Secretariat (Sachivalaya) building, Mr. SK Joshi was huffing & puffing and waiting for his work to be over. He was a govt. officer (Deputy Chitnis) at Palanpur and had traveled this far. He seemed little tense, because once he completes this work, he had to meet a heart specialist. After great efforts and a long wait, he had managed to get this appointment with heart specialist.
But his luck was playing fun with him. His superior was doing something more important and he was asked to wait. This way, doctor’s appointment will have to be cancelled.  Suddenly the officer walked out of his room and Shiv Shankar Joshi could barely ask him: “Sir, will you be back soon?” The boss replied: “I will come back and call you. Please wait.”  This was enough for Shri Joshi to get upset as cancellation of the appointment with the specialist was now almost certain.
Shri Hasmukh Ramanuj, the personal secretary to the Additional Development Commissioner, could sense that any more delay would be troublesome for Shri Joshi. He comforted him, gave him some water and listened to his story attentively. He could quickly grasp the matter about his heart trouble and a failed appointment. So, Hasmukhbhai telephoned me at Nihar..  with a request to see the patient. I quickly gave him an appointment as a special case. Shri Joshi soon landed in Nihar.. from Gandhinagar.
Here was a patient in whose case was given up by  all the  doctors. His angiography was done at a renowned hospital in Ahmedabad. The doctor had looked at the report and confidentially told Mr. Joshi’s  son: “it is a case of 99% blockage. Heart is pumping just 10%. Your father’s condition is very serious. He may live barely for an hour.”
         Another similarly renowned hospital in Ahmedabad had said:” There isn’t much hope”. Two major hospitals were not ready for his heart (by-pass) surgery. In a way, really a lucky patient, indeed!
Doctors were not in favour of surgery because his heart was functioning as if unwillingly. The blood was not circulating to every nook and corner of his body. Modern science was helpless and it had no solution for this malady. The specialists said so. What now?  What next?
Age: 54 years. Retirement was still 3 years away. But the heartbeats were running out of stock & completing the full tenure in office was quite far & away. Ask him to walk a small distance of just 20 ft and he would go short of breath. He came for consultation on 28th February 2007 for the first time. He then weighed 88 kg.
For him my prescribed routine was very simple: fresh lime water to be taken twice a day, just five to seven steps of walking – not more, not less. Deep breathing - sitting in erect position - during the day time as and when he remembers to do so ( & permitted even when he is lying down & resting), holding fingers in Apan Vayu Mudra for total 45 minutes – for a period of one to five minutes. 

This a good remedy for heart blockages. When practiced continuously for 90 days, it reduces the risk to the heart. When the patient with blockages in the heart is operated upon, a stent is inserted to widen the artery & with the support of a stent, it remains in that position. But the stent, by itself, would not remove the cholesterol deposits. But here, in Nature Cure, the hardworking & naturally found ingredients clean the cholesterol deposits. This prescription is, however, not for those who have pitta prakriti or suffer from acidity or intestinal ulcers.
Four or five such remedial steps were prescribed and the list was handed over to Shri Shiv Shankar Joshi. He was asked to strictly avoid fried / barbecued type of foods in his diet. He was also advised to take juice extracted from raw dudhi (bottle gourd) added with  some tulasi and pudina (basil & mint) leaves & water. Raw vegetables etc can cause gastric trouble & therefore those who have such complaints should avoid taking raw foods.
And, now here is one remedy which is very effective with zero cost: Salutations to the Sun God or sitting for few minutes in tender morning sunshine every day. Mahatma Gandhi has already advocated this and I am not saying something new. This remedy is as ancient as the principles of Truth & Non-violence preached to us since ancient times. I am just reminding every one, nothing else.
Ancient science of health and hygiene is full of such preaching & teachings. There are time-tested, age-old remedies and just following them would open the treasure chest of good health. Taking deep breath while sitting erect under soft sunrays everyday in the morning will give multiple benefits such as improved blood circulation, stronger bones and better breathing capacity for the lungs.
With these prescriptions, I explained some fundamental concepts also to Shri Joshi. In February, Ahmedabad is a hot place at noon time – although  elsewhere it is still somewhat a wintry weather. Shri Joshi had to take a bus for  Palanpur and the bus stop was at least one km away. How will an unaccompanied heat patient reach the bus stop with not auto rixa around ? A lady in our staff offered to take him there on her moped.

One day I was reading an old wrapping paper used for packing our magazine Anupan. It contained a small article on a home remedy, extracted from one Urdu magazine, very useful for better blood circulation and lowering cholesterol :

“Take juice of fresh ginger, lemon, garlic and apple vinegar – all in equal parts and boil it on low flame for 30 minutes. When it is reduced to three fourth quantity, remove it from the stove. After it cools down, add three small katori (bowl) of honey and put it in a glass bottle. Authentic apple vinegar may be available in Mumbai or obtained from abroad.

Take three teaspoonful of this mixture with a cup of water every morning.  Do not take any food or drink for next one hour.”

Two kind-hearted  women in my clinic had tears in their eyes – one was my wife Dipika and another was Kirtida.  They were afraid that this patient has hardly any chance to live long. They feared he may not survive till his bus arrives. But Mother Nature is supreme. It decides about our life and death.
Shri Joshi came next time to our clinic after nearly four and half months, on the auspicious day of launching the first issue of Anupan, our monthly magazine. His weight was down by about three kg. He was getting short of breath while walking but not too much. He was able to breathe comfortably and felt more vigorous. Most important was the fact that his anger level had come down.
We need to remember that anger is the natural & automatic response of the body when brain receives lesser blood supply. The ‘apple vinegar’ therapy printed in a box above was found effective. Several patients have lowered their cholesterol levels with its help. So, it will be highly unusual if Shri Joshi’s cholesterol level did not drop.

Let us take just one example of miracle of our body system. When some one’s heart is not functioning well, his blood circulation is poor due to poor pumping of the heart ( poor LV function). Blood does not reach each and every part of his body in natural way.

About one fourth of blood supply is used by our brain alone. When the pumping is poor, how would our brain get the required quantity of blood supply?  Persons who suffer from inadequate blood circulation in the brain get angry very easily. As soon as their anger builds up, the blood circulation increases and the blood will reach properly in the brain. May be that is why the weaker people get angry more often than others!

While living in his home town Palanpur only, Mr. Joshi very sincerely took this remedy & followed our other instructions and guidelines which were based on the constitution of his body, - and got very good results very quickly. Now, he was advised to walk a longer distance. The arteries had been re-energized and Dr Left foot and Dr Right foot were too eager to walk more and more.
But this was also the crucial time when he had to be careful and control himself. His heart was slowly healing itself and at this point of time, any jerky or rapid movements or exercise can be harmful for the heart.

He is now 59 years old and has already retired one year ago. He is under the treatment of Dr Mansuri in Palanpur since last one year. He has given him sorbitrate tablet (for use during any emergency) plus two  more tablets. From our side, walnuts are prescribed for him to be taken regularly as ‘natural medicine’. Walnuts improve the HDL (or ‘good’) cholesterol levels.
Good cholesterol is produced in the body itself by our liver. And if it is in good quantity, it can restrict LDL (or ‘bad’) cholesterol levels -just as we need a large number of good people in our society for controlling some bad elements. 

Remember your childhood? How much overjoyed were you on the day you learned to ride a bicycle! But, once you mastered it, how many times you did you fall down and had cuts & bruises on your body. Similar is the journey from illness to good health.   Once the patient starts recovering, he / she has to remain much more alert. If there is heart problem and due to your enthusiasm, you walk excessively or walk very fast, then you weak heart will have to take this load. Therefore, control is very necessary.

It is amazing that I have before me his reports for 2009 & 2010 and his  Left Ventricular (LV) function is just 10% in both these reports. At the time of writing this, the medical condition is serious. Severe triple vessel diseases, severe blockage in three blood vessels, poor heart function…….and yet...
And yet, at the end of 2011, he comfortably walks 3-4 km. every day, does not feel breathlessness & also gets sound sleep. With 10% LV function, surgery may become very risky.  Therefore, Shri S K Joshi does simple but light exercises, daily relaxes on the Operation Table of Mother nature & lives his daily life.

Even today, Shri Joshi visits Nihar Arogya Mandir about once in a year, for resolving some health related complaints or getting at least some relief in them. Apart from the heart, there are other organs in the body. So some times either it is his long troubling cold or his waist ache or indigestion; but Mother Nature has a solution for all of them.
Anyone and everyone who wish to return to Mother Nature, who wish to live a good life with least of medicines - (and also, God willing, a long life too) – can take support from Nature Cure and are welcome! Here nothing is ‘anti’, every thing moves in ‘harmony’ with you.
Whatever may be the disease, howsoever may be the condition, if you are ready to bow & surrender to Mother Nature, she will accept you with open arms. Mother Nature shows no arrogance, but is rather eager to embrace and welcome you….

Shri Shivshankar Khemshankar Joshi
4, Ankur Park, Near Golden Park,
Hanuman Tekari, Angola Road,
PALANPUR, Dist Banaskantha (Guj)
Phone: 98796-41603

After reading this case history, you may ask: “How is Mr. Joshi still alive and active – even with mere 10% LV function? How does his heart receive adequate and regular blood supply with 99.99% blockage?

When we go out for some important work and if we find that the road is dug up, what do we do? Simple answer is that we take a diversion. We do not stop. We certainly reach our destination.

In our body also, when the main arteries which carry blood to the heart nearly close down, small veins and venules carry the blood to the heart. Medically it is known as ‘collateral’ or additional bye pass
Very renowned cardiologist, Late Dr  KK Datey has mentioned about this natural by-pass in his book ‘All About High Blood Pressure’. Of course, by this route the blood supply reaching the heart is very  minimum, just enough for the survival. Walking strengthens this alternative route and as a result more blood is supplied to the heart. Mother Nature has its own mystic ways about who will live and who will die. Where science stops, amazement and wonders begin!